Parents...are you teaching life lessons?

The Dakota Lesson of the day...
Are you a parent or a guardian?  Maybe you are a teacher or a babysitter.  But, are you teaching your kids life lessons.  Let's talk about respect.  Are you teaching your kids how to say "please" and "thank you"?  Do your kids know that it is not nice or respectful to interrupt someone when they are speaking?  Do your children know that it is not right to tell an adult that they are wrong and constantly challenge them with manipulation and games?  Do your children know it is important to open doors for people and allow them to go first?  Do your kids know how to say "excuse me" when they accidentally walk in front of someone or want to pass someone?  Do they respect the elderly?  Do your children know how to respect the personal space of others and not get in their face?  Do your children know how to quietly wait their turn and raise their hand to be called on?  Do your kids listen to adults?  Do your kids understand that calling an adult "Mr" or "Mrs", and not just by their first name only, is a form of respect? 
These are just a few questions to ask yourself, when thinking about respect and what your kids know or do not know.  It isn't easy, but it is simple to start teaching.  Are you teaching your children life lessons?  Something to think about...


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