The REDS wrote me back...

I decided to write you...and I couldn't believe when you wrote me back!  Once I got your letter, I read it to my son and told him what to expect next.  My son, was so excited...the passion that he has now was about to become more and more of a reality in his growing mind.  So we went to the big event, and unlike a lot of things, in my life lately, it went like clockwork!  Thank God and the universe!  We found the best place to park, and we got to section 132 in record time.  As we stood there waiting for the hero to run out and stretch, I took my permanent marker and wrote "Ian and Mom 13" on the hard cement wall.  Ian said" MOM don't do that!" but I went ahead and did it because I knew that I could always tell him, "that was our great day at the game...when we waited for that autograph, to catch a foul ball, to be in the moment..."  Some day, he might be able to go back and show his kids the day that he went to "the game"!  What a wonderful day!


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