There are all kinds of opinions out there about ADD/ADHD or Attention-Deficit Disorder /Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.  "An estimated seven percent of U.S children are diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.  In some countries, ten percent of children are being medicated.  In a region of Virginia, twenty percent of all students were taking amphetamines or Ritalin for ADD/ADHD" (Linda Sonna, Ph.D, 2005).
So, I am here to get the facts straight, and I have a personal interest in this and a wealth of knowledge because I mentor kids with disabilities and have children with ADD.  So please trust in my credibility because I live with it every day.  I live with it in more ways than just my children too.
First, I will give you a few definitions...ADD is an individual who is markedly inattentive  disorganized, distracted, and forgetful.  Low self-esteem and academic underachievement are common.  ADHD is an individual who is exceptionally active, restless, and/or impulsive.  Difficulties learning in traditional academic environments and defiance are common (Linda Sonna, Ph.D, 2005).  Those are definitions quoted directly from a Ph.D.  
I think the questions we hear more often are why does it seem like more kids are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD today than before, are Doctors too quick to diagnose and could that diagnosis be wrong, what causes ADD/ it the chemicals in all of our processed food or an inherited gene, can a parent treat this condidtion without medication, and why is the topic of ADD/ADHD such a hush hush topic??  Some poeple act like it is some type of contagious disease, and if they actually say..."Yes.  I want to help my child by giving them least for now..." then they will be banned from the village.  No.  that is not wrong to say that, in my opinion, but that is also why I am writing this... to give you more true facts to help you make the decision that is right for you.  
The following is very recent research from Science it discusses the root cause for ADD/ADHD and their latest findings...

First Direct Evidence That ADHD Is a Genetic Disorder: Children With

ADHD More Likely to Have Missing or Duplicated Segments of DNA

ScienceDaily (Sep. 29, 2010) — New
research provides the first direct

evidence that attention-

deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a

genetic condition. Scientists at Cardiff 

University found that children with ADHD

were more likely to have small segments

of their DNA duplicated or missing

than other children.

The study also found significant overlap between these segments, known as copy number variants (CNVs), and genetic variants implicated in autism and schizophrenia, proving strong evidence that ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder -- in other words, that the brains of children with the disorder differ from those of other children.
The research, published in the journal The Lancet, was largely funded by the Wellcome Trust, with additional support from Action Medical Research, the Medical Research Council and the European Union.
"We hope that these findings will help overcome the stigma associated with ADHD," says Professor Anita Thapar. "Too often, people dismiss ADHD as being down to bad parenting or poor diet. As a clinician, it was clear to me that this was unlikely to be the case. Now we can say with confidence that ADHD is a genetic disease and that the brains of children with this condition develop differently to those of other children."
ADHD is one of the most common mental health disorders in childhood, affecting around one in 50 children in the UK. Children with ADHD are excessively restless, impulsive and distractible, and experience difficulties at home and in school. Although no cure exists for the condition, symptoms can be reduced by a combination of medication and behavioural therapy.
The condition is highly heritable -- children with ADHD are statistically more likely to also have a parent with the condition and a child with an identical twin with ADHD has a three in four chance of also having the condition. Even so, until now there has been no direct evidence that the condition is genetic and there has been much controversy surrounding its causes, which some people have put down to poor parenting skills or a sugar-rich diet (  

So, this is the first direct scientific evidence...this is a documented 

fact.  When writing a can say what you want, but when making a bold 

statement, you must back it with quotes, research, and evidence.

An opinion is an opinion, but a researched fact holds much more credibility in my 


Do I believe that chemicals and hormones in our processed food may add to the 

problems of ADHD and or other behavioral problems...yes I do.  There are 

unfortunately a lot of things we cannot control, but when the condition starts to 

affect a child's progress and school and future...then action needs to be taken.

Hopefully, if the action is medication, it will not be something that has to be done

their entire lives and many doctors agree that children can grow out of the 

condition.  Children with ADD/ADHD are very bright!  There are long lists of 

very intelligent people who have this disorder.  One of those people is Albert 

Einstein.  Mr. Einstein did not live in the day of processed foods and chemicals, so

you have to ask yourself, was it just genetics?  Mr.  Einstein had a creative mind, 

he practiced and believed in the law of attraction, and he never let other people 

control his thoughts or ideas.  He felt that there was always a better way and he

used his intelligence to make our world a better place.  However, he was very 

humble and he knew his place.  

ADHD/ADD is a very difficult disorder to handle on a daily basis, but with 

research, reading, and patience it can be properly managed.  Children just must

understand that they are not dumb or really different.  Their minds just process

information differently than others, but that does not make it better or worse.  It is

just different.  Then, remind your children with ADHD/ADD about the list of

intelligent people that have or had ADD/ADHD.  Have them look at their success

and make sure you remind your children of that every day.  Peace.
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