society is too "PC"!! Politically it really correct?

It struck me this morning how messed up our world has become. It is really sad that our children, or some children, cannot appreciate what they have. The scary thing is, most of them have more than enough! You know who lets it happen? The parents let it happen. Sure...we can blame it on society, but who raises our kids every day, who tucks them in? Who reads them a story at night, or maybe you are just letting them watch t.v. until they fall asleep? The parents and or guardians are doing this, and in some cases, the grandparents. Right?!
Kids don't have boundaries these days and they expect everything to be handed to them. They don't need to work for it. This is such BS, and I have experienced it myself but I am sick of it. I am a single Mom and I have two small children, so I know what I am talking about. I have tons of kids I know who have absolutely no respect for adults and they don't listen to a word their parents say. Their parents are too soft and they want to be their BFF instead of their parent! In my opinion, that is really wrong. The parents, more of them in the generation under me, are soft because of this "PC" society we are now living in. You can't spank your child in the grocery store or someone may call the cops. Teacher's can't give a child a true hug, because the parents may sue them for "touching their child!" Really! Don't say God in school, because you might offend every other religious group out there and then CNN will have to talk about it for 4 weeks!
It is just getting old! When I was growing up the rules were clear and black and white. They were: "don't speak unless you are spoken to!"..."if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all!"...."respect your elders."..."do not talk back or question adults!"...and I know there were several more. We had "freedom of speech" back then, but we also cherished and respected our freedom. With freedom there are still rules to follow, and if you do not teach or respect those rules you will lose your rights. Correct?!
So chew on this for a minute our country too "PC"? Are we letting our children run the village? Do your kids interrupt adults and are they disrespectful? If we loosen and let out the leash with our children too much will they get away?...and when they really get away did we teach them any valuable lessons?...could they handle themselves in the "real" world without us?


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